Thursday, July 13

3 Things I Haven't Done As a Natural- 4C Natural Hair

natural hair shrinkage being blow dried and flat ironed
1.) Straighten My Hair- Can you believe that the last time I have seen my hair straight was in 2011?! Every year I tell myself that I will straighten my hair in the Fall or Winter, but I never muster the courage or energy to do it. I'm either worried I will get heat damage, too lazy to do it or just feel
content with my hair in it's natural state. Whatever the reason is, I just haven't done. But one day, I will! I just don't know when.

relaxer hair salon cartoon natural hair black hair

2.) Visit a Hair Salon- Back when I was relaxed and serious about hair care, the salon was kind of a necessary evil for me. Mainly because I wasn't the best at self-relaxing. I tried to self-relax or enlist help from family and I ended up under-processed. So going to the salon was my only real option. Now that I think of it, that may have led me to going natural. I like the idea of not relying on others for healthy hair.

natural hair dyed copper color

3.) Dye my Hair- With the exception of Henna and Indigo hair treatments, I have not colored my hair. I have always wanted to(coppery color, like image), but yet again, I'm scared of damage. There is definitely less of a chance of damage while natural than when relaxed, but I still haven't done it. One day, I may, but for now I will stick to natural treatments or eye-shadow.  To be honest though, I just LOVE jet black hair.

What are some things you haven't done, but want to do? 

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  1. I have contemplated going to a salon for a trim because I have not been one time since my 2010 big chop but I have yet to step foot in a salon.

    1. I completely understand! Now that there are more healthy natural hair salons maybe we'll both gain some courage to visit one.


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