Saturday, August 3

Fishtail Braid on Single/Box Braids

I can do a cornrow or single braid with my eyes closed, but I don't know how to do a fishtail or french braid. 
I must admit that I never tried to learn how to do them or even attempted to do so, but I always loved how they look. 
Well today I decided to give the fishtail braid a try. I recall watching a few videos in the past showing how to do them and I surprisingly remembered the technique. 

You just: 

Split your ponytail in half 
Hold each half with both hands 
then take one piece of hair from the right side and move it towards the center using your index finger
then take one piece of hair from the left side and move it towards the center using your other index finger. 
Keep doing the above steps while moving downwards until you get to the end. 

A visual is better, so you can Youtube "how to do a fishtail braid" to learn. There are so many videos. 

Anyway, this is how it came out after my second try:

My first try looked like this: 

Practice makes perfect, so hopefully the next time I do will come out even nicer. 

Is there anything(hair related) you thought you couldn't do, but later mastered? 

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