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Thursday, September 27

Would I Ever Get Locs?

I have been questioned by a few people(in real life) if my twists were Locs or if I would get them. Now, I don't think my twists look anything like Locs, but when they ask if I would get them... I never really know how to quickly answer that question. 

I think Locs are beautiful! I love them!!! I love the various types of Locs and the versatility of them, but this isn't something I have considered of now.  My main reason is because they are permanent. Once I cut off this relaxer, I don't want anything else permanent in my hair.  I know you can comb Locs out and still retain a reasonable amount of length, but for me, that's another process I would not want to endure. Plus, once I make the decision to get them, I would hope to have them for the rest of my life.  
I also like the feeling of my loose hair. 
My mind may change in the future when I have to go through long detangling and styling sessions, but in the mean time I will twist my hair or put in some yarn braids to supplement real live Locs(even though it won't be the same!) 

Do any of my readers have Locs or are considering getting them? If so, share your thoughts! 


  1. I feel you on that one. I get bored easily & would cut them off before I go through the comb out session. I'm planning on getting temporary locs next summer maybe.

    1. Yeaah...I get bored easily too!
      ooh can't wait to see your temp. locs.

  2. The closest to locs I'd go right now is yarn braids, lol... who knows in the future, though...

    1. Hey Shika! Hope all is well.
      lol..I love the look of Yarn Braids. Bet u would look great in them.

  3. I personally respect traditional locks, but I decided on SisterLocks (micro-locks) installation. So far they feel like loose hair when I wash them. Maybe because they are so small? I am two months into them and they did not require a big chop. My relaxed hair was put into the Sisterlock framework. People misunderstand the difference between traditional locks and SisterLocks (trademarked). Their website is for those who want to see the different styles. From a distance people can not tell that they are locks.

    1. Thanks for the information. Your Sisterlocks look great!

    2. Thank you for the compliment, and you are most welcome as far as the information. SisterLocks can mean freedom for many women who want length and style versatility without chemicals. Thank you for such great posts!


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