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Sunday, September 23

When Will I Big Chop?

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When I first decided to go back natural, my goal was to transition for 2 years and 3 months then big chop on my birthday in February 2014. 
That is still my main goal, but if a few things happen before that date, I will go ahead and cut off the relaxed ends. 

So..what are those "things"?

  1. My Natural Hair Reaches 10 inches
  2. My relaxed ends start looking ridiculously thin compared to my new-growth due to breakage
  3. My hair starts breaking excessively at the demarcation point
  4. I can fit my natural hair into a ponytail
  5. I complete the list of 15+ styles I want to do with my hair during this transition (if the above happens before then I will chop) 

So, there you go. That's when I will B.C and as you can's not happening anytime soon! 

For all of my fellow you have a BC date or know when you will BC?


  1. My goal is either 2 years or 10 inches as well.

    1. You don't seem too far away! You have tons have natural hair already :-)

  2. I would also like to transition for 2 years... I don't know if I have a certain length in mind yet. I feel that I will have a better handle on such a thing after the first year is behind me..

    1. I hear you on that! How far along are you now?

    2. I am six months in right now and I have a lot of new growth..especially in the area I have always had a ton of breakage so I am elated by the results so far. So, I have to keep plugging along..I haven't trimmed my hair in several months so I need to get on that pretty soon.

    3. Congrats on making it so far! That's great that your trouble spot has a lot of growth!
      Yes..keep plugging along. It will all be worth it in the end.

  3. I don't really have a goal for my transition. Just gradually trimming and growing until I get there. So far no major hurdles *knock on wood* lol. But I'm only 19 weeks. (4 months) post. :p

    1. That's a great plan!
      I'm glad you aren't having any issues right now. Once you get past 7 will be even easier I think.

  4. I had a goal for my transition which was at least 10 inches but after 3 months I have decided to big shop. I did it myself in my bathroom, I was more than ready and soooo excited! I started by the front so there would be no possibility to go back and since then i'm soooo be nappy. I have never regreted my choice :-) (sorry for my English, I am a French native speaker)
    I can't wait for you to do your big shop. You will be gorgeous with your natural hair. You have been such an inspiration for me, with your relaxed hair and from the day you wrote that you decided to transition I think that I starded my psychological transition with you...
    Wish you the best

    1. Hi Sarah!
      I'm sure your hair is beautiful! That's great that you did it when you were ready.
      Aww thank you so much! You just made my day.
      Thanks for sharing your big chop story!
      Happy hair journey!!!

      P.S- Your English is just fine :-D

  5. I wanted to go atleast a year, but after transitioning for close to 9 months, I got the rest of my permed hair cut off 3 weeks ago. I had so much shedding/breakage, I was glad to get it done!

    1. Congratulations!!!!!! I bet your hair looks beautiful!
      I'm going to do a post on TWA styles when I have a chance since I see two of my readers recently BC'ed.


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