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Sunday, September 23

My Henna and Indigo Experience in Pictures

Hey Hey Hey. Happy Sunday!!!!

If you're interested in my Henna and Indigo experience

Keep Reading 

In my last post I already stated my Henna when I got home from the gym and thoroughly detangled my hair and was left with this

I then applied the henna in sections and left on overnight. 
In the morning I rinsed it out with only water at first then applied some conditioner because my hair felt dry .

I wasn't able to get all the Henna out in the front because I rinsed my hair out in the sink.

But that's okay because Indigo needs Henna in order to have something to cling to..I just used a towel to remove some of the excess. 
Then proceeded to mix my Indigo which consisted of:
100G of Indigo 
Room Temp Water
a pinch of salt

I then applied it to my hair in sections and kept on for 2 hours. 
I rinsed it out with water only in the sink, then proceeded to wash my hair with diluted WEN on my scalp and conditioner on my ends in the shower. 

After rinsing out the Indigo..which I made sure to do so hair looked like this. 

I applied my leave-ins then let my hair air-dry for about 20 minutes then proceeded to twist with my Shea-Butter Mix..
Needed some music to help me get through this since it took about 2 hours 

Here are my final results

End of the night..taken at like 2:30AM. 

For some reason, my natural hair was a little more frizzy than normal. Not sure why...but I'm hoping my next set of twists look much neater. 


  1. Wow!!!!

    What a difference between your henna red and the end result after the indigo. Looks great!!!

    Love the red lipstick.


    1. Thanks. is a huge difference. I love darker/jet black indigo is a must for me after hennaing.

      Thank you!

  2. I always love your twist! Came out looking great!

  3. Wow! I love the color and your twists! I am so curious about using henna and indigo.... I just don't know about all of the steps involved. I feel a little intimidated but...I keep looking at your posts and I think that I feel that it's something I really need to try at least twice..the color looks so rich! And I am not really into coloring my hair but I might have to add it to my list of things to try. Thank you!

    1. Thanks! Henna and Indigoing your hair is a long process..but it's all worth it in the end because it strengthens your hair and leaves it really shiny. I did a lot of research before actually trying it out and realized it wasn't as much work as I thought it would be. If you have any questions about it..let me know!

  4. Oh just when I felt satisfied with my natural color, you go tempting me with black hair!

    Great results!

    1. Haha..I love your hair color! Fight the temptation. lol


  5. So did this dye your hair? It's hard to tell from the pics. I'm thinking about using red henna from Lush in my hair but I'm not sure if it will actually add color over my already dark hair. Thanks for sharing. I'm a follower! Follow back?

    1. dyed it black. After hennaing, my hair typically turned a reddish brown color and is mostly noticeable in the sunlight. But when not in the sun..I don't have that rich black color that I receive from Indigo.
      It won't turn your hair a noticeable red, but you will see a difference after a few uses.

      Thanks for following..I will check out your blog!

  6. Thank you so much for encouraging me to give this process a try.. So I did, I washed the Indigo out of my hair just this morning and think that I really like the color! I look forward to seeing what will happen as I continue with this new process..thank you so much for making it more attainable and reasonable. Thank you so much!

    1. Oh I am so glad that you tried and liked it! I bet your hair looks beautiful!!
      You are very welcome! Glad to be of some help :-D


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