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Monday, August 27

Transition Update: 40 Weeks Post Relaxer

Hey Everyone! I know I have been gone for a (little) while, so I wanted to drop in and let you know I didn't forget about my blog. 

For this post, I decided to give you all a brief update on my transition. I can't believe I am already 40 weeks post relaxer and in 12 more weeks,I will be one year post! How exciting is that?

My regimen and styling hasn't changed. 

If  I am feeling ambitious, I do medium sized twists which typically lasts 2 weeks

And when my twists get messy, I throw on a scarf

If I'm feeling lazy, I do "chunky" twists which typically last only a week

Twists at 38.5 weeks post relaxer 

When I want to wear my hair out, I do a braid-n-curl 

38 Weeks post relaxer

This is a 4 day braid-n-curl 

My thoughts so far: 

  • This transition is extremely easy for me. I know it's because of the twists and my very low maintenance regimen
  • So far, I haven't experienced any noticeable breakage
  • I sometimes think of pushing up my BC date to February 2013 where I will be 15 months post, but I doubt that's going to happen. I would like to transition at a minimum of 20 months post.
  • In February 2013, I will do my first major transition cut to rid any feelings of a BC
  • Next year, I'm thinking of doing a modified version of the Crown n Glory method where I will have my hair in a long term protective style( with extensions) for 8 weeks and my hair out for 1 month
  • I feel like my hair isn't growing fast enough. 
  • The front of my hair grows VERY slow! 
  • I am so much in LOVE with my natural hair..but I still like my relaxed hair 
  • Whenever I see a TWA or a BAA, I wish my transition would hurry up and end
  • I have 23 hairstyles I have to do before I BC. If I don't do each and every style, I wont BC
  • Once I reach 1 year post, I will give twists a break and style my loose hair more often 
  • I haven't used direct heat in 8 months! woot woot!
  • I can't wait until I am fully natural!!


  1. You look beautiful in the first picture!

    Loving the pic of your cute coily/ straight strand (",). You're transition is going so well. I am looking forward to the new styles you'll be rocking in the new year.

    1. Thank you!! :-D

      haha, thanks. The contrast is amazing to me.
      I will def post some new styles, I have been so lazy yet overprotective(pun intended) of my hair, so I'm waiting until I no longer care about the relaxed hair to try out more styles.

  2. Good luck on the hair journey, it looks great! Especially that chic scarf style, gotta love scarves, they make any outfit or hairstyle instantly fabulous! :D

    1. Thank you!!!! Yes, gotta love scarves. You already know about my addiction.
      P.S- I'm behind on my blog list, but took a quick look at yours and I love the family photos!!!

  3. Wow you're already 40 weeks? I didn't even realize. Looking good!!

    1. :-) Yup! Time is flying(well not fast enough). Thank you!

  4. Your hair looks great! You definitely make transitioning look like a breeze :). I look forward to seeing which 23 styles you'll do, such a fun idea to spice up transitioning. love it!

  5. Wow, almost a year. It's gone by unbelievably fast. It's so exciting watching your transition. I love your styles. Your hair is SO thick. Also looking forward to your BC, but enjoy the styling in between.

    1. I know! I wish it would go by faster
      Thank you for the support!

  6. Glad your transition is going well! I have a question for you. I am 32 weeks post relaxer and I have so many tangles. Its so bad that I may have to cut some of them off and I am just so saddened. How do you prevent matting and knots from forming in your hair?

    1. Thanks!
      The main way I prevent matting and knots is by keeping my hair stretched. So, if I'm not in twists..I always braid my hair(4-6 braids) nightly. And when I airdry, I do so in about 10 braids to stretch my new-growth.
      Also, after washing, be sure to do a cold water or apple-cider-vinegar rinse(as a final rinse) to seal the cuticles. That may help.


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