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Monday, August 13

My Hair Trimming Tools

We all know that trimming/dusting is an important step in maintaining healthy hair. There is no set time period in which one should trim/dust, but going long periods without doing so can lead to problems down the line. I have done a few posts on trimming/dusting, so if you would like to read more about that, check them out. 

On to my hair trimming tools...

Tweezerman LTD Shears

I purchased a new pair of  shears a little while back which I love. 

They are from Tweezerman and do a great job at trimming my ends.  I would still have blunt ends a month or more after using these, so I know they work well. 

I only use them for my hair and I keep them in the package at all times. 

I purchased these at Walgreens for $20.00


As a birthday gift for myself, I purchased the Splitender. The main purpose of this tool is to cut 1/8" to 1/4" of your hair which are the very tips. This will either cut off the split ends or hair that is not split although you won't tell the difference because 1/8-1/4" isn't a lot. 

When I first used this, I hated it. The little teeths would get stuck in my hair because my hair wasn't bone straight. But to negate that issue, I only used the Split-Ender on the last 4 inches of my hair, 

I haven't used this in a while because you have to go through your hair in small sections which, for me, takes a while. But all in all, I think it's a good tool. 

I purchased this on E-bay for about $60.00, I believe

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1 comment:

  1. I think I'll be buying myself a split ender soon... just to maintain between trims as you said. Great post!


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