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Tuesday, August 7

Battle of the Gels

When it comes to gels, I have tried/used A LOT! 
I still haven't found that perfect non-alcohol gel, but I do have some favs. 
Keep reading for my assessment on some I have tried. 

How I use gel
Lightly dampen hair, add gel, smooth down with fingers or soft boar bristle brush, tie with scarf for 10-30 minutes.
I also only use the gel to the slick down the very front of my hair. 

 Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel- This is one of the healthiest options I have found. Not only is Aloe Vera great for hair growth, it is moisturizing as well. This gel doesn't give my hair a strong hold, but my hair also doesn't revert quickly after using this.
This is my favorite gel to use because it doesn't cause build-up or make my hair hard although I wish it were a little more strong.

Eco Styler Olive Oil Styling Gel- This used to be my favorite Gel. It gives great hold, made my hair shiny and has good ingredients. BUT the build-up it caused/causes is crazy. When using this, I had to make sure to clarify or give my hair a good wash often. It's also best not to use combined with many products. I have used the clear version Eco Styler as well and it wasn't as moisturizing and left my hair kind of hard.

ORS Edge Control- This is more of a wax than a gel. It does a pretty good job holding down the front of my hair for like an hour! I tried using this without water first and my hair still reverted pretty quickly. This also leaves a very waxy build-up in MY hair. Like.. if I were to scrape my hair with my nail, I would have this product all underneath it.  I have read it works well for a lot of people, but for was somewhat a bust.

Fantasia IC Styling Gel- This gel worked great for me. I don't know why I strayed. It's first ingredient, I believe, is Aloe Vera. It was very moisturizing, left my hair shiny, no build-up, flakes, good hold, no hardness. Now, why did I stop using this again? It didn't give GREAT hold and I was looking for that perfect gel that I did not find. I still recommend this product to many people.

Lusters Renutrients Slick Stick- This wouldn't be classified as a gel, but I used it to slick down my edges. I don't even know where to start with this. It literally felt like  I was using a glue stick on my hair. Left the same color and coating. It also feels like wax, BUT it had my edges LAID! I still prefer not to use this because I don't like the look of white, waxy hair.

*I paid less than $6.00 for all of these and used them when I was between 1-20 weeks post relaxer. I currently use Aloe Vera Gel and sometimes the clear Eco-Styler Gel when I need that extra hold and plan on  washing the next day 

*All images found on google images

So, Ladies...what is your favorite gel or holding product?

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  1. Fantasia IC Styling Gel vs. Eco Styler Gel.
    Im curious about the IC styling Gel. Gotta try it.

  2. On the extremely rare occasions that I use gel I use Elasta QP Glaze conditioning styling gel. It provides the hold I've needed without making my hair feel hard, I haven't experienced any visible product buildup, and it gives a nice shine. I definitely recommend it.

    1. How could I forget about that one!! I loved it and I think I still have some left. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I love Eco styler gel, Argan oil. I don't get build up at all. When I apply my gel, I do the following: spritz with water, moisturizer,gel,oil.

    1. I think I will try your method when I use the clear Eco-styler gel. Thanks

  4. That's the same Aloe Vera gel I use everyday on my face and body, it's great for anti aging and healing. I can see why it would make a great hair gel. :) Oh, and my husband said the tie rack would be great for my scarves so I'm keeping it since I have a lot of scarves too, but not nearly as many as you do though, sorry!

    1. I tried it on my face before and I don't know why I stopped, but after my Aloe Vera plant leaves are gone..I will try the gel.

      That's fine!! It was very sweet of you to offer. I ended up purchasing the rack with the holes and I like it. Thanks anyway :-)

  5. I actually make my own flaxseed hair gel.. I love it! I have been messing with the recipe most recently by subbing some of the water with Aloe Vera juice and even adding Aloe Vera gel to the mix and I like the results so far.

    1. Your mix sounds
      I have been meaning to try out flaxseed gel. I hope to do so in the future.

    2. Thank you! I hope that you will get a chance to make some when you have some time, I would like to know how it compares to some of the products you mentioned in your post. I haven't used gel since it made my hair extra crunchy and brittle which was a very long time ago! So, finding this all natural option has been a Godsend.


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