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Monday, July 16

Weekend Wrap Up- The Pineapple FAIL Edition

I had my hair out on Friday in a braid-n-curl and tried to preserve the look by pineappling(is that even a word?) my hair.

So, at the end of the night, I put my hair in a very high loose ponytail then wrapped with a satin scarf. 
I was left with this mess. LOL. 

I didn't even want to try and work with this, so I just put my hair back in twists and called it a day. Luckily, I already washed my hair before removing my twists, so I didn't have to deal with dirty hair. 

Look how much thicker my roots look!!! 

What did you do to your hair this past weekend?


  1. lol Hey at least you tried. I've never tried "pineappling" before. As for this weekend, I didn't a darn thing but moisturize my cornrows, throw my wig on, and go to work.

    Oh and I like the new blog look. I haven't been blog surfing in days so I really don't know how long ago you made the change.

    1. lol, true. probably works better with fully natural hair.
      Hey..that sounds like a relaxing hair weekend to me!

      Thanks, girl!! I made the change last week. Welcome back to blogosphere.

  2. This weekend I did my first successful bantu knotout for which I am very happy about. I think this will be one of my summer go-to-styles. Now to perfect the braidout. Check out my blog for the pics. BTW I love the way your twist come out. If I had the patience I would give it a try!

    1. Just saw it and the results were beautiful. Thanks! This set only took 1.5 hours.

  3. I tried pineappling for the first time last weekend in an attempt to preserve drop curls (also a first). It was a complete FAIL. I woke up with my scarf completely off my head, the back was straight, & the rest of the curls were all over the place & on their way to being straight. It was still cute enough to wear with a headband for the day but I was so sad I lost all the curls after 1 day.

    1. lol..well at least you were able to salvage it. Bet the next day hair still looked cute!

  4. I have tried this and it was a fail for me as well. lol. Oh well, I will just have to find what works for me.

    1. exactly. If I figure out an easy way to have second day curls..I will def let y'all know.

  5. Thank you for sharing a way to save a style, it helps to see a way to save the work that you might have put in..It'll help keep me free of frustration when it happens!

    1. :-) My pleasure..and thank you for stopping by!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. I tried doing pineapple similar to how you did and it was an epic failure:

    However, I tried again, but this time, I mini pineapples and my braid out lasted all week long!


    1. And thank you for visiting mine :-D
      Thanks for sharing your attempts! I am def going to try the second method!


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