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Friday, July 27

Random Transitioning Photos

Hey Everyone!!! TGIF

So, today is wash night and I'm sitting with deep conditioner in my hair. Exciting, I know!
  Photos are great way to document your progress, so that's the main reason why I'm posting.  But I also wanted to share(with you) some photos of the last 7 weeks of my transition

Warning: They're not in order and completely random.

Top of my braid n curl at 34 weeks. This is how I flatted the front. My new-growth is a little longer, as you can probably see, but I only need that portion to be flat. 
Braid n curl at 34 weeks post 
My nape @ around 29 Weeks post?

33 weeks post- Natural hair stops at my eyebrows in twists

After rinsing out Henna @ 30 weeks post

Wash Day at 36 weeks post. Deep Conditioner is in my hair. 

After shampooing my hair 36 weeks post 


  1. your new growth is beautiful! your hair looks so thick and lush. love it!!

  2. You are doing so well!!! And I like the new blog layout too. :)

    1. Thank you!
      You look so pretty in your avatar pic!

  3. You do such a good job with your hair! Such a luscious deep black. I love indigo because it sticks to your strands and makes it even thicker and "full-bodied".

    1. Thank you!
      I love Indigo(and Henna) for that same reason!

  4. ALLLL THAAT NG!! You are transitioning very well (your hair is still thick from root to tip!)

    1. I wish there were more! haha

      Thanks for all the support, Shika!

  5. Your hair looks wonderful! Thank you for the constant encouragement and inspiration!


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