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Sunday, July 8

Kinky Twists on Relaxed Hair

I spent Saturday installing Kinky Twists in my sisters hair. I twisted her hair last
year, but this year was much easier! It only took about 7 hours this time around. 

Reasons why it was easier:

Her hair was longer than before
She did a braid-out the night before, so her hair was much more textured
I did them a little larger
They are still pretty long, but shorter than last time

After installing, I trimmed the ends then boiled them in hot water. We weren't feeling that look, so we twisted the twists, put rollers on the ends and boiled again in hot water. Much better! 
I also sprayed her scalp with a mix of Apple Cider Vinegar and water to prevent any itching.

The great thing about Kinky Twists is that they get better with age.  

Here are the results:

The parts aren't straight back because I wanted it to be easier to pull back or wear in any direction.

* See this post for last years results and more info on hair used. 

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  1. This looks good. You did a great job Ms. D! Have you tried this on your own hair?

    ~ Lisa

    1. Thanks. I haven't, but after doing these..I really want to. I'm in a twists challenge where I can only use my real once that ends, I will install some Kinky twists.

  2. very nice job! those twists look great :)

  3. Wow you did a great job!

  4. You did a great job! They look amazing!!

  5. You did a wonderful job! They look so pretty!

  6. Great job! Your sister is very pretty, I see the resemblance!

  7. Thanks ladies!!!!

    I'm sure she'll appreciate these comments.

  8. Oh, they look beautiful... what hair did you use (brand) i would love to put this in my relaxed hair, but the lat time i did it, i had a MAJOR set back. Can't wait to see yours, after your twists challenge!!! I can.'t get over how beautiful your sister's is!!!!! Good job!

    1. Thank you. I used the Moda Collection: Marley Braid hair. It's 100% Toyokalon % Kanekalon.
      Sorry to hear about your set-back. If you check out my braids label, I have some tips on safely installing, removing and taking care of the hair.
      Thanks again!

  9. where can I get this type of hair?

    1. Any local beauty supply store that sells extensions/fake hair.


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