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Friday, June 15

Transition Update: 30 Weeks Post Relaxer

Today marks 30 weeks post relaxer and on the 18th, I will be 7 months post!

  • I have not experienced any increase breakage. Just the normal wear and tear from manipulating my hair in between twists. 
  • My relaxed ends have the same thickness since the start of my transition although they look thinner because of my thick new-growth
  • I love twists, but I'm sick of after my next 3 week set, I will wear my hair out for a month or 2. As said before, I would like to enjoy these relaxed ends while they look good!!
  • I do not want to wear any extensions until I'm at least a year post. So, braids will have to wait until then. 
  • I have not thought once about relaxing my hair. Not ONCE! 
  • I also haven't thought about bc-ing. I need more growth and I can't see myself cutting off so much healthy hair! 
  • I MAY straighten my hair in December.
  • This transition is going relatively well
  • I'm thinking about buying some Jamaican Black Castor Oil for my edges. That's one product I never tried, but my edges seem sparse. That's another reason why I'm holding off on braids. 
  • I'll be trying out a new DC this weekend. The Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol that was included in a haul post a while back. I will patch test first and cross my fingers that it works well for me. 
  • I lightly dusted my ends last night when I removed my twists. I plan to dust monthly and trim every 4 months. In February, on my Bday, I may cut off about 4 inches. 
  • I would like at least 10 inches of natural hair before I big chop.I need enough hair to fit in a ponytail. So.. if I get 6 inches by November, I should only have about 8 months to go after that.

On to the pics.....

That's where my new growth ends

I did a braid-out for today, this is just to show how my relaxed ends look. I didn't fluff it out.

The back of the braid-out 


  1. Lookin' good. Your ends look healthy in the braid out.

  2. Your hair looks lovely.....and so do your nails...!

  3. I love twists too. Your transition is going great. I wish I had all this info when I was transitioning.All the best!!!

  4. I just made 30 weeks post yesterday! This is my 2nd & FINAL transition! :D And this one is sooo much easier than the first one! lol.
    * I too have not experienced any increase breakage.

    * My relaxed ends are alot thinner than my transitioning newgrowth.

    * I've been wearing my hair in bantu knot outs & sometimes will put them into a messy bun w/a cute silk scarf into a bow help to cover of some of my newgrowth.

    * I'm gonna be rocking my own hair for the whole transition(no weave/extensions).

    * I too have not thought once about relaxing my hair. I love my Natural texture WAAAAAY too much to kill it w/the heat & burning chemicals again haha.

    * I too haven't thought about bc-ing. Maybe in another yr or so. Or until i'm comfortable to cut off the rest of my relaxed ends.

    * I don't plan on using direct heat for the whole transition. I personally just don't care for straight/flat hair anymore. Plus i don't want to take ANY chances at damaging my texture.

    * My transition is also going very well :) I've been using Castor Oil on my edges & nape so that by the time i cut off the rest of my relaxed hair, they'll be alot thicker. Plus i'm seeing alot of new thick baby hairs growing in ^_^

    * I personally cut off 3 inches every 6 months (it makes my transitioning & wash days alot easier).

    * I would like at least 3 or 4 inches of natural hair (unstretched) before I BC. I just want enough hair to put into a decent puff.

    Congrats on your transition so far! :)I know some days will be tougher than other, but just know that we'll both end up will beautiful Natural thicker hair in the end :)

    Good Luck! :D

    1. Congrats on making it to 30 weeks! Glad to hear your transition is going well.
      Cutting off 3 inches every 6 months?! I would do that, but like my length too much. If I were to experience breakage or thin ends, I wouldn't hesitate to cut though.

      Good luck on your transition!! Keep me posted. I plan to do updates every 10 weeks.

  5. good luck. im currently a year and 6 months post relaxer... and still transitioning and i must say its all worth it. i had my ups and downs but let me tell you its all worth it!!!! if you have any questions about products & etc just hmu on my blog or respond in the comments :)

  6. Thank you!! I can't wait until I'm 1.5 years post!! Congrats on making it that far. I'll be sure to
    Contact you if I have any questions.


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