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Thursday, June 7

Let's Chat

Hey Everyone!!!
Hope you all are having a great week!!!
Just wanted to stop by and chat with you all.

So...where do I start?

My Hair

  • I'm 29 weeks post and still in twists. 
  • I'm in a twist challenge that ends in July, so I will remain in twists until then. 
  • NO, I did not abandon the roller-setting challenge because since January I have done at least 1 roller-set a month. Haven't done one in June though.
  • After my next set of twists I will be wearing my hair out/loose for 2 months. 
  • I want to enjoy my relaxed ends while they still look good
  • I will do braids when I'm either 10 or 12 months post 
  • I can't believe how healthy my hair hasn't been this healthy my whole hair journey

The Giveaway

Thank you to all that entered for the giveaway. Each and every one of your comments put a smile on my face! I have the best readers!!!

For those that haven't entered, please don't forget to do so for a chance to win some great prizes!!! The WEN seems to be most popular, so for those who don't win the full size bottle..I am entering you in for a chance to win a sample size(good for at least 2 washes) of Lavender WEN.

Upcoming Posts

I have been tagged by Funbi and Jenna on 2 separate topics/ that will be coming soon.
Also, if you recall from my poll, it seems as if Healthy Hair Tips and Styles are the most requested topics for this blog. So...I will be having more of those.

I have some reviews coming up for products I have used in the PAST since I haven't been trying anything new recently.

I will also be posting some fitness, healthy living tips, VOTD and other random things that come across my mind.

My Life

I'm a pretty private person and choose to be that way for various reasons. Some people have asked me to do relationship tips and recommended that I post more about my personal life. I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. If you would like to get to know me a little better..either check out my tumblr or follow me on twitter.

Thank you

I would like to thank each and every single one of you for reading my blog, sending kind emails and for commenting.
I don't make money off this blog and I choose not to do (many if any) sponsored product reviews. This blog is solely to offer tips and to document my hair progress.
When I receive positive keeps me motivated to post more often. So thank you!


  1. Looking forward to your healthy hair tips and styles. I'm with you, enjoy the process. I like being apart of challenges, but usually if they are too restricting and boring I can't stick with them. The good thing about your twists should you continue to wear them is that they are so versatile and I like seeing the twist styles you create. I'm just saying... So glad your hair is thriving through your transition. I know that makes it easy for you and confirms that you've made the right joice in your hhj.

  2. Replies
    1. LOL..I understood everything you said! I feel you on the challenges! Even though I enjoy's like as soon as I entered the challenge I started to get tired of them.
      Thanks,girl!! HHJ :-)

  3. I really like your twists and you def turn them into some really cute styles! You've given me the idea to twist my hair soon, it needs a break from the buns :p


Have a question or comment? Leave it here!
I will get back to you ASAP!