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Friday, June 22

HOTD featuring an Old T-Shirt

Remember those chunky twists I did? Well the only way I think they look cute is if I wear a headband/scarf. an effort to ditch my flower hair accessories and use up what I have..I thought this would be a perfect time to wear some hair scarves 

Today, I wanted to wear these orange accessories my friend bought me, but didn't have any hair scarves to go with them. So..what did I do? I cut up an old t-shirt and used that!  

To add some more color, I tied a pink scarf into the top portion to create some sort of a bun.

The twists in the back are placed in 2 buns. One on the top and one on the bottom.


  1. Never thought of that and it looks so cute! I'm going to try that one day.

  2. That is a very cute look! May have to borrow it soon ;) lol

  3. Very creative. I think I'll give it a shot!

  4. What an awesome idea! Right now I'm doing a protective styling challenge and that would be the perfect accesory for my braids.

    - Ash of Room E

  5. What a great look! I will have to try this before the summer is over!

  6. Great idea! Looks flower-shaped to me? A rose, lol. Very cute, though. I know your trying to get away from flowers.

    1. LOL..You're right. I just can't get away from those dang flowers!

      Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  7. Your hair looks awesome and that's one cool way to put a t-shirt to use!

    1. Thanks, girl!
      I wish I would have thought about this before I threw away a bunch of old shirts(well the ones that couldn't be donated)


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