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Monday, June 18

Braid-Out at 30 Weeks Post Relaxer

It's no secret that braid-outs are my style of choice when wearing my hair out. So, after removing my twists, I decided to rock one for the weekend. 
I planned on washing my hair this weekend, but opted to wait since I already washed my hair while they were in twists not too long ago. I also didn't feel like going through the whole wash process that takes almost a full day. achieve my braid-out, I: 

Spritzed my hair with my Aloe Vera Juice mix to make my hair damp, but not wet then braided my hair in about 15 single plaits. 

After putting my hair in the plaits, I then applied coconut oil to the length of my hair. 
I did these on Friday night and since I was only running errands and lounging on Saturday, I kept them in all day. 
This is how I wore my hair on Saturday. Underneath that beanie is a plastic cap and satin scarf. 

On Saturday night, I spritzed the plaits with the AVJ mix then added rollers to my ends. 

I then pulled the plaits back and tied my hair with a satin scarf. 
The following morning, I took the rollers out and applied coconut oil to all of the plaits

I then unbraided 

I typically take the braids out before hopping in the shower. Then I put a satin bonnet on, tucking the hair under so it doesn't look all funky. Then when I get out the shower, do my normal AM routine, I take off the bonnet and proceed to separate the sections.  

This is how it came out...not the greatest, but presentable for a day or 2. If I really wanted to match the two textures, I would comb/fluff my hair out more. Throughout the day, my hair gets bigger and bigger so I opted not to comb/fluff too much. 


  1. Has it only been 30 weeks?! I feel like you've been transitioning forever! lol

  2. Girl...You have a lot of new growth. It seems like your hair is growing faster than before! I don't remember why you said you were going natural in the first place? You're doing a great job though!

    1. Thanks. To me, it't not growing fast enough!
      I'm going natural because I never wear my hair straight so I feel no need for chemical straightening. I also feel like I have the proper knowledge to care for my natural hair now.


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