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Monday, June 18

Back in Twists

I said that I would document my transition more often once I reached 6 months post that's why there are so many "my hair" posts.
I didn't forget about the posts I said I will do...and those will be coming shortly.

Anyway, I took my twists out on Thursday and had my hair out all weekend. It felt good, but I got tired of it QUICK.
It took my like 30 minutes to come up with a decent hairstyle this AM, which was just a simple braid in front and a bun....but to me it looked WRETCHED(not to be confused with "ratchet"). My hair felt tangled and it just didn't look good. So, after work I twisted my hair. I only did the front small, but the rest were fairly large. It only took 1.5 hours.
I will keep these in for the remainder of the week, take them out on Friday, then do a henna/indigo treatment Friday night.


  1. I love that you do twists so often. I'm planning to teach myself how to do them so that I can use them as a protective style during school (I was going to focus on Senegalese twists).

    Did you find learning to do them hard?

    1. Thanks. It's the only way I can avoid constant matting and tangles at this moment.

      It's very easy to do, trust me. They are a lot easier than braids. I'm sure you will catch on quickly!

  2. How do you get the ends of your hair to stay twisted? Mine always unravel.

    1. I would twirl them around my finger with Shea-butter. The larger twists sometimes start to unravel, but I keep them pinned up or in a bun, so it doesn't matter.

  3. I love the twists w/ the headband! It looks very chic!

  4. Your hair looks great! I really need to give twisting my hair a try... I really like the way they look in your hair!

    1. Thanks, Senecea!

      You should try them out and if they don't look that great can always pin them up.


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