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Monday, May 21

Hair Products Update

As of now, the only commercial hair products I have used on my hair is a Deep Conditioner and Shampoo. 

I deep condition on "dry hair" before washing and currently use ORS: Replenishing Conditioner(which I adore). 

For shampoo, I use Shea Moisture: Moisture Retention Shampoo.

That shampoo is running low, so once it's complete.. I will finally have a chance to use the WEN I was gifted.

For a leave-in, detangling and moisturizing spritz..I use my AVJ Mix which contains:

Aloe Vera Juice
Distilled Water
an Oil of my choice (either Safflower, Coconut or Vitamin E)
a few drops of Rosemary, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Oil

As a sealant or twisting product, I use 100% Raw Shea Butter mixed with unrefined organic Coconut Oil. I would also use 100% Morrocon Argan Oil as a sealant if I wear my hair out. 
I added some Silk Amino Acids and essential oils in my last mix because I felt like my hair needed added protein. 
I always make sure to mist my hair with the AVJ mix before sealing. 
*Note- I do not melt either before mixing. They are easy enough to mix with-out doing so and I like the texture much better

For Henna and Indigo, which I do treatments quarterly, I use Karishma Henna(get a local Indian grocery store) and Indigo purchased from

That's it! 


  1. We use a lot of the same products; I haven't tried WEN shampoo, though. I've heard great things about it, though.

  2. Is there a difference between glycerin & vegetable glycerin for hair use? I know a lot of ladies use vegetable glycerin, but I can't find it ANYWHERE!

    1. Vegetable glycerin is made from plant oils and regular glycerin could be made from animal fat or petroleum based oils. I have used Now brand glycerin(purchased online) and I use a brand named Africare I purchase from Walgreens. Africare does not contain any animal fat, it's actually Kosher and it works well in my hair. Actually both glycerins I purchased worked equally well in my hair.
      Here's a post I did that has a picture of the glycerin I use:

    2. Thanks! I'm going to look for the Africare glycerin!

    3. You're welcome. If you can't find that,the NOW brand is great and I'm sure others work just as well.

  3. Like you, I also only used to use 2 commercial products but now it's just one. Everything else is either raw (oils, butters) or made myself. I love how simple your regimen is! Unfortunately, caring for my hair is not so straight forward but nonetheless I try to keep it as simple as possible. I've heard a lot of good things about the ORS but I doubt I'll be ably to try it, their shampoo was a nightmare for my hair & can't risk another experience like that. Thank you for sharing sis!!


    1. Simple is the way to go I realized! I have achieved the most progress that way.

      Hey, if it's not broke..don't fix it. I would stick to what you have especially having a bad experience with a shampoo in their line.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Glad to hear your transition is going well, I always look forward to your updates. I'm DC'ing right now and I'm going to try your leave-in mix today. That's the one thing missing from my regimen. My hair loves all those products so I'm hoping it will work for me too.. Fingers crossed.

    1. Thank you!
      I'm sure your hair hair came out great. Let me know if the leave-in worked well for you.


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