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Saturday, April 28

Reader Question: Cornrows

I had a question in regards to a moisturizer for cornrows and regimen suggestions while wearing them.
So, I decided to do a post on this.

Moisturizer for hair/cornrows : The only commercial product I use to moisturize my cornrows/braids is  African Pride (Olive Miracle) Braid Spray. I love it and highly recommend. I have heard/read great things about African Royale BRX Braid spray as well.
You can also spray braids with water and seal with an oil.
I moisturize my braids daily.

Regimen Suggestions: I keep my cornrows in for only 2 weeks. So I would wash/deep condition before applying and after removing. If you plan on keeping them in longer, you can wash and dc your hair by using a stocking cap to hold the braids in place and diluted products in an applicator bottle to easily apply. Be aware that they will not look as fresh afterwards.
I suggest spraying braid spray daily. I do not suggest oiling scalp often because it will cause product build-up.
Wrap hair nightly with a satin or silk scarf.

Check out my braids label. I go into MUCH detail about caring for braids.

If you have any other questions, you know how to reach me!


  1. Hiya Ms D

    Do you have a post specifically on the acv soak that you do for the braid hair.

    Also, do you think I could soak marley braid hair. Thinking about putting in some kinky twists when I take out the crochet braids next week.


    1. Hey T!

      I don't, but I am writing one up right now.

      I think you can soak marley braid hair. I haven't before, but I'm about 95% sure it will maintain it's "kinky" texture if soaked.
      Another alternative is, after applying the braids..if your scalp itches at all, you can spray your scalp with water mixed with a little ACV.

    2. BTW- I added you to my One Lovely Blog award post! I knew I missed someone!


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