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Saturday, April 28

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak to Remove Chemicals from Synthetic Hair

Have you ever installed a new weave, some braids or even wore a wig and your scalp began to itch immediately??
No matter how many times you scratched, applied braid spray, oiled your scalp, etc.. it just kept itching??? 

If so, keep on reading!

Most synthetic hair manufacturers use alkaline and other chemicals on their hair to produce a heat resistant/wear resistant product. Read more about that here.
Although the chemicals are used to "protect" the hair, many people(including myself) have allergic reactions to them.

To prevent any allergic reactions or the "itchies", it is highly recommended that you remove the chemical base. The best known way to do so is soaking the hair in Apple Cider Vinegar because of the high acidity and powerful enzymes contained in it.

This is how I  soak my hair in water mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar:

1.) I fill up the below container(it's just a plastic cover to keep food warm) with some hot water straight from the sink.

2.) After Putting water in the container, I place 1 TABLESPOON of ACV in the water and mix

 (Braggs (see below) is  one of the best because it contains "the mother", but any ACV will do)

3.) I then place the synthetic hair(in it's original state, elastics and all)  in the ACV and Water Mix. I let it soak for 20 minutes. You will start to see a white film lift from the hair. Do not remove the hair until you see that film.

Dramatization (No water and ACV because I'm not braiding my hair until July)

4.) I then take the container to the sink, and dump all the water/acv out. 

5.) Rinse the hair one more time with plain water then squeeze excess water and let air dry.
(I let it hang off my chair and put some plastic on the floor to catch any dripping)

That's it folks!

PS- If you forgot to remove the chemical base on your hair, installed it  and your itching like crazy...spray your scalp with a ACV and water. 16 oz of water mixed with 1 tspn of ACV. You can always adjust for smaller servings.

A few additional tips:
  • Too much ACV can make the hair hard. If the hair becomes hard after the soak, you can either rinse the hair again with some warm water or shampoo/condition the hair afterwards.
  • If you are getting sores or scabbing on your scalp, take the fake hair out immediately and consult with a Doctor.
  • If you install the hair before doing the soak and spraying your scalp doesn't ease the itching, you should try an acv rinse. So, use the same mixture as the spritz/spray and pour it over all of your hair in either the shower or sink then rinse off with water.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or success stories, leave it in the comment section.

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  1. Oh my god yesss. This is why I don't wear synthetic wigs anymore. When I got synthetic braids my scalp initially itched like it was covered in poison ivy. Then I found out about vinegar. I used regular vinegar which worked just as well as organic for me. I use my good organic vinegar internally.

    1. Lol, that's exactly how I used to feel when I got synthetic braids.

      That's great to know regular vinegar works just as well.

    2. Will vinegar remove the shine from a synthetic wig?

    3. It may make it a little less shiny since some of the chemicals are removed.

    4. Thanks for this advice, I just did my hair, getting it ready for tomorrow, I so hope this help me, my scalp itch like crazy when I have braids, I throw lot's of money away getting my hair braided to take down 4to5 days later, I will come back in 2 weeks to share my experience,I don't want to buy human hair for braids, but if this itching continue I will have no other choice. Thanks again

    5. I'm going ape shit itching! I've done the suggested twice and I'm on my 3rd night of no sleep due to the severe itching. I think I'm over it. The braids are coming out! Not worth it. I can't focus. Perhaps next time I'll try to wash the hair before the braids. $150 gone and I don't care... :(

  2. Your blog is so amazing! It's informative, beautifully laid out, and fun to read. For that I'd like to present you with *sounds trumpets* the One Lovely Blog Award!



    When you put up your last post I tried to comment on that using my phone asking for this very post to be next (",) My previous post didn't work - my phone just hates the blogger comments section! But lo and behlold - here is the post that I wanted. I tried to comment earlier this week whilst I was away but again it didn't work.

    Anyway - thanks so much for this. Nice, simple instructions and no video to eat up my data allowance when I'm not near my wifi - that's what I am talking about!

    Do you know if this method works with curly hair (the type I use for my crochet braids) and also marley braid hair. Will it tangle up before I get a chance to install it?


    1. Aww that stinks. One of your comments actually came through which prompted me to do this post.
      I welcome ALL suggestions.

      You are very welcome!

      Yes, I do believe it will work for Marley hair. I would just break it up in smaller sections. You aren't manipulating the hair at all. Just taking it out of the package and placing in ACV mix.
      If you are a little hesistant to do the soak, I would just spray the hair with a mix of ACV and water before or after installing.

  4. Thanks Ms D

    Seriously it is such a pain for me to add comments from my phone sometimes - I am glad it worked once out of the three times I tried though (",)

    I am going to go and try the vinegar soak now. I don't have any avc with me so I will try it with white vinegar and cross my fingers. I will try it on one pack of marley braid hair first.

    Thanks again for the post - it's a big help and I hope my scalp will be thanking you also come the weekend.


    1. :-)

      I heard white vinegar works just as well. No need to purchase ACV if you don't have it. Try a small section first of the Marley hair, to test it out. I'm hoping there are no tangles!

      My pleasure! Lol..I hope so too!

  5. Does it work for loc extentions. I believe Im having an allergic reaction to my loc extention bad rash on face shoulders an arms an it didnt start until after i got extentiin put in

    1. Yes, it works on any type of synthetic hair. I suggest doing an acv rinse. Mix 1 ounce of acc with about 5 ounces of water...and distribute on hair then rinse.

  6. If I do this soak will it mess up the quality and longevity of my extensions once it's braided in? Would it also mean that the hairdresser couldn't soak my hair ends in hot water at the end?

    1. No, it never ruined the quality of hair or longevity when I have done it.
      Your hairdresser can still soak the ends of the braids, doing an acv rinse doesnt change much of anything, but helps with allergic reactions.

  7. Will the girl who's going to do my pixie braids still be able to burn the ends.

    1. Yes, she will. The acv has no effect on the ability to burn the hair

  8. omg I found this very informative because I love to get my hair braided but lately I have been searching for an alternative so my scalp wouldn't be so itchy.......this was very helpful!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes thanks so much for this. I googled washing marley hair with acv as I just picked up a few packs to install tonight. No other results came up but yours fit the bill perfectly!!

  10. Will this method work for marley hair that is being used for the senegalese twist?

    1. Yes, it will. Do not put too much acv though because it may make the hair hard

  11. I just recently placed Marley extensions in my hair no less than 4 days ago... Last night I couldn't take it no more, my head felt like something was eating away at my scalp in mini bites and the bumps and itching was unbearable... I remembered the ACV rinse from other post on treating dreads and pretty much soaked my scalp and the extensions themselves (using a spray bottle) (MUST LET THEM DRY COMPLETELY).... Ms. D, you are on the money... My head feels soooo good, no itching, no soreness, no tightness... it feels great... I plan on doing this treatment, 2 - 3 times a week... to keep the scalp clean and breathing and kill anything that my have attached itself to the dreads and just for all around cleanliness

  12. Ms D... Simply awesome and perfect, I googled, "treatment for loc extensions using vinegar/water" this was the only article that came up... I did it to make sure what I did last night to stop the itching and soreness was okay because it worked...
    I just added Marley loc extensions to my hair and my goodness, the itching, soreness was unbearable by the time I got home last night...
    so I grabbed the ACV rinse method and sprayed my scalp, the extensions themselves and wow what a difference... I told my sister, it felt like little animals having a feast day on my scalp... wow... so I figured, not on my watch... I sprayed, shook my dreads, sprayed some more, shook some more and today my scalp is thanking me...

    thanks for the confirmation, Ms D... truly appreciate it...

  13. I just marley braids put in and I've had terrible pain ever since it feels like something is eating my scalp. I got them Thursday and Sunday I wanted them out. I've tried sprays and oils but nothing had worked. This style was also expensive and I don't want to take them out so soon . This was supposed to protect my hair and help it grow but I've had nothing but harm ever since Thursday. I reeeeeeally hope this works on this type of hair. I also don't wanna smell like pickles. Are you sure this will work??? I have redness and burning and bumps I just need something to work ASAP.

    1. It should work. Sounds like you're having the typical allergic reaction. It wont hurt to try. You can also use white vinegar if you dont have acv.

  14. i just tried the white vinegar and water rinse and i still feel the "biting". how long does it take to work?

    1. It usually takes up to an hour. I installed marley twists on Saturday and sprayed my scalp with acv/water. The itching went away in 30 minutes.

  15. I have box braids & have been itching badly every since I got them last week.I refuse to take them out. What should I do? When you spray the hair with vinegar & water do you rinse & wash after or just leave it in there?

    1. I would spray your braids, focusing on the scalp, with the acv and water. I usually keep it in and don't rinse. The smell doesn't last. But if you feel more comfortable, you can rinse the acv out.

  16. I purchased the premium x- pression and i soaked it just as you laid it out and after rinsing I wanted to hang it on a hanger so it can dry but each hair bundle stack together......what should i do? is it still usable?

    1. The bundles are sticking together? I would rinse them off again, maybe adding some conditioner for slip and to pull them apart(finger detangle too) then let dry. It will be usable.

  17. is it possible that you allergic reaction to the hair can spread to your skin and cause weeps.

    1. Yes! I once forgot to do an ACV rinse and my neck & back broke out. I highly suggest removing the alkaline base.

  18. I purchased marley hair this week and will rinse with the ACV. I will leave in for 30 minutes and condition for 30 minutes.

    Thank you and I will let you know how hair turned out.

  19. Hi Ms. D. Thanks for the post. But does this method actually soften the synthetic hair?

    1. Hello and no problem. It doesn't really soften the hair, it somewhat feels the same after the rinse. You could condition the hair after the ACV rinse though. Just add some moisturizing conditioner to the length of the hair then rinse.

  20. Hi. I been itching my marley twist and havent had it in for more than a week. Tomorrow will be a week though. I dont have a spray bottle so I used 16oz of water and the 1tspn in a bowl and im using cotton ball to wipe it all over. How long does it usually take.? & do u think 16oz is too much. My hair is prob 2/3 inches below my shoulder so shpuld I add more ACV or less water.?

    1. Hello. Sorry to hear about the itching.
      It usually takes up to day before the itching finally stops. Make sure that you focus on the base of the twists and your scalp. If the itching doesn't stop, I would pour the whole mixture on your head then do a cool rinse in the shower. Just be careful not to mess up the twists.
      You could always use less water. But make sure you don't use too much ACV. Have at least 3 parts water to 1 part acv.

  21. I have box braids and my head and face itching like crazy. The side and of my face is braking out.

  22. Hello - Great article. Quick question I am soaking Janet Collections synthetics bohemian curl weave but no white film has lifted. The water is now cloudy but not white film, is that normal?

    1. Hello. Thanks. Yes that's fine especially if you soaked it for a good amount of time.

  23. Hello and thank for posting as well needed article. I think i used more ACV than water. Will this hurt my head. I am treating zillions done with human hair. I am actually allergic to any packaged hair. How long would you suggest i leave the mixture on my hair. Will it be ok to wash and condition my hair after letting the ACV mixture sit.

    1. You are very welcome.
      If you feel like you used too much acv, just make sure you rinse it out really well. There shouldnt be any adverse reactions although it may sting a little. The acv mixture does not need to sit long, 30 seconds to 1 minute will suffice. This is if you are applying directly to your head. If you're doing the soak, then you wait until you see the white film.
      It is perfectly fine to wash and condition your hair afterwards.

  24. Hello I just got loc extensions & noticed a few what looks like mosquito bite on my face & a few on my back, am I allegric to this marley hair? My scrap isn't itching. Any suggestions? If i use the acv how do i get the smell out?

    1. Hello and sorry for the late response. You may be allergic to the marley hair. If you have never experienced these bumps before and they just started, then I would start off with the ACV rinse. The smell doesn't last long as long as you rinse well. I just spray with a braid-spray after to mask any scent my hair may have.

    2. Also, if the more bumps form after the acv rinse, I would suggest taking the hair out ASAP.

  25. Hello am going to get some Senegalese twist in a week . After you do an AVC soak do you need to put some type of condtioner or oil on the hair. Am using kaneklon hair

    1. Hello. I never have, but you can if you find the hair to be hard and stiff after doing the rinse. The key is to not use too much acv so conditioner wont be necessary

    2. Hello, thank you for this article ! I have Senegalese twist installed using Xpressions hair just two days ago and my scalp is driving my crazy!!! Everything itches my ears neck and side of my face should I just fill up my sink with the acv solution and soak the twist then rinse with cool water or should I just use a spray bottle apply it to scalp and leave it ?? Or should I rinse that out as well ?? Im ttying my best not to frizz up my newly installed twist

    3. Hello and you're welcome.
      Because your neck, ears and face are itching, I suggest soaking the full length of the twists then rinsing and spraying your scalp. You dont have to rinse your scalp off especially if you want to keep your parts neat. Just don't put too much acv in the mixture. Good luck!

    4. Omg you have saved my life tonight I took my braids our,but I brought some sew in weave and it works on my scaple and it feels better

    5. Omg you have saved my life tonight I took my braids our,but I brought some sew in weave and it works on my scaple and it feels better

  26. Hey Ms D. Saturday I got my hair done in a sew in. It's now Tuesday morning. I've been up since about 2 in the morning with this itching & burning sensation. I've read the previous comments. My question is could I wash the sew in hair with the ACV still attached to my head or will I have to take the sew I'm hair out then wash it. I kind want to take the lazy way out. What should I do ?

    1. Hi Shalisa! You do not have to remove the sew-in to do the acv rinse. Just place about 1 tablespoon of acv in 16oz of water in an applicator bottle and apply to the parts of your hair then rinse.
      Hope this helps!

  27. hey ms d I just recently did my hair on Friday and it is so itchy,I have a sew in synthetic weave so I was wondering if I could apply the vinegar without having to rinse it out? just in case the hair tangles or something.

    1. Hello! Yes it is okay to leave on hair. Just try not to use too much acv, maybe a teaspoon, to about 8 oz of water then spray on to scalp/base of weave.
      I do this for my sister when i braid her hair since i dont soak the hair first.
      You will probably have extra acv/water mix as you don't need too much.

  28. I got box braids on Saturday, lady told me she used higher grade of synthetic hair but one I was done it was fine but, on Sunday Morning I experienced itchyness and small blisters on some of the braids, I purchased coconut oil with peppermint oil it help for a while but the itchyness comes back after 3 hours or do, now it itch more then usually. I really dont want to remove themm cause it was so expensive. What can I do,

    1. Hi Sandy. You can either do an ACV rinse, where you mix in about 1 table spoon of ACV to 16oz of water, pour over your scalp/braids then rinse off in the shower. Or you can use that same mixture, put in spray bottle, then spray just your scalp with out rinsing it out. Please feel free to also look over my previous comments for similar suggestions. Hope this helps.

  29. Hi I put some twist in by some Africans and it's gonna be a week Tuesday and the back of my hair is on fire it itches burn and have bumps I've tried everything possible to stop the itch I need something to stop the itch now what could I do

    1. Hello- You can either do an ACV rinse, where you mix in about 1 table spoon of ACV to 16oz of water, pour over your scalp/braids then rinse off in the shower. Or you can use that same mixture, put in spray bottle, then spray just your scalp with out rinsing it out. Please feel free to also look over my previous comments for similar suggestions. Hope this helps.

  30. I love braids but have been unable to put them in for the same reasons as above. even with higher grade hair or real hair my scalp itches and I get bumps. Today I came across your suggestion of the acv rinse and will buy and soak the hair tonight and braid on Saturday...I hope this is the miracle I have been looking for...heheheh

    1. I hope the ACV rinse is the miracle you have been looking for too! I know it was for me.

  31. HI
    Im having the same problem - itchy scalp red bumps on neck where hair touched. I'm about half way done with my hair and i really don't wan to take it out lol I have crochet braids with straight hair. How do I apply the ACV rinse to the hair that's installed already?? please help cant find an answer anywhere

    1. Hi. Sorry to hear!
      You can either do an ACV rinse, where you mix in about 1 table spoon of ACV to 16oz of water, pour over your scalp/braids then rinse off in the shower. Or you can use that same mixture, put in spray bottle, then spray just your scalp with out rinsing it out. Please feel free to also look over my previous comments for similar suggestions. Hope this helps.

  32. Hi, I tried the ACV last night & my scapl is still itchy is there anything else you would recommend? I have faux locs & this is day 4

    1. Hello, sorry to hear. You can either try oiling your scalp with essential oils mixed with a carrier oil. For instance, coconut oil mixed with a few drops of rosemary, peppermint OR tea tree oil. You can purchase the Sulfur Medicated braid spray and spray your scalp or hair with that. Or if those don't work, take them out. You don't want to suffer a set-back for the sake of a style.

  33. Thank you
    My neck has blisters and allergy meds are not working. Just had twists put in last night not realizing that it was the hair that made me itch. I will definitely use the ACV mixture but need to seek medical treatment for the blisters and the rash.

    1. You're welcome! So sorry to hear about the blisters and rash. Wishing you a speedy recovery from those!

  34. I have some pre twist crochet hair that I am reusing and it smells I was wondering if the acv treat will help

    1. It should. The smell is most likely from chemicals. The ACV smell usually goes away once the hair dries, so it wouldn't hurt to try it.

  35. Hi, I have used the synthetic hair for a protective (crochet) style. And I know this may seem a little repetitive in consideration of the questions/answers above. But my reaction is slightly different. I have no itching or burning. And I cut the hair a little short this time, because it has made my neck itch in the past, but now, its my face. My face is just broken out and it doesnt feel dry like I've heard from others, stating it dries them out. My face feels a lil sticky and its breaking out all over like i have acne. It's terrible. I am certainly gonna try this resolution as I didnt want to spend the incredible amount of money on Human Hair for crochet styles b/c the looks are not the same, of course. Your insight would be wonderful! And, again, like everyone else. Thanks for this post!

    1. Hi Sharmica- Sorry for the late response. Hmmm, yes this is a little different than the others, but it still sounds like an allergic reaction. I have gotten a similar reaction to a sulfur product, so I can imagine how you feel. Yes, first try the ACV rinse, but also assess your products and if you added anything new recently it could also be that. To help with the break-out, I suggest witch hazel to tone and some aloe vera gel(straight from the leaf or Lily of the Desert) to moisturize. I hope this helps and if I can think of anything else, I will come back to respond again.

  36. hi Ms.D great information. I just had some sengalese twist installed in my hair last Thursday and the Bobbi boss braiding hair was used. I've never had issues before when I use Expressions
    braiding hair but for some reason I'm experiencing
    some allergic reaction to this hair am I able to use
    the apple cider vinegar as a rinse while I do have the
    sengalese twist installed already am I able to place
    in shampoo or should I place it in conditioner or
    should I just mix it with water and use as a rinse ?
    Please help

    1. Hello! Sorry for the late response. I would just mix it with water. And if you feel like shampooing after you can do so. I also suggest diluting the shampoo(or if you use conditioner, that) with water in an applicator bottle.

  37. You don't know how much this have helped me and I want to say thank you so much. I have naturally long hair (im growing it out with castor oil) but I also get tired of doing my hair and I always get box braids since im always in the hospital for a chronic condition I have, and girl let me tell you without box braids I be looking a mess since I be tired. I stopped wearing them though because the bad itching a burning I will get like a day later, but this worked! I usually rinse my hair with ACV, but never knew I could do it with the actual hair as well and I never knew about the chemicals!

  38. I want to try this, but does the hair get tangled?

    1. It has never got tangled when I have done it. I also make sure to keep the elastics on the hair though.

  39. I just got a sew-in today at a salon (1st time doing it at one and 1st time using this expensive virgin hair). Well, braiding my hair was going just fine, not too tight at all. Towards the end my neck started hurting, which I thought was from looking at my phone the whole time. I stopped but when she finished it started burning- not itching- like a relaxer.
    From there, I couldn't tell you what happened. I've never had this kind of reaction before.
    I could barely get through the sewing. Other than the migraine, my neck feels like there's a metal vice grip around it. It's tightened up and right where it meets my shoulder is just as bad. It's like something is clamping down on my nerves. While I was in the chair, I thought I was going to throw up. I started bawling when I got in my car and barely made it home.
    At this point, my head still burns and is tender as hell, and the neck/shoulder problem is still awful. I haven't seen anybody state this kind of problem, could this still be an allergic reaction? I CANNOT afford to take this down; I hope this ACV cure helps.

    1. I am so sorry this happened to you. I do believe an ACV rinse should help because it sounds like a chemical reaction. If it is still burning, try washing your hair with diluted shampoo so you know it gets to your scalp. As for your neck, if it still hurts I suggest going to a Doctor ASAP.

      I know you can't afford to take the weave down, but if it's still irritating you, that will be the best option.

  40. Thanx for the response. So, you're saying I can try washing it first while it's still in my head?
    If push comes to shove, yeah, I guess I will have to take it down.

    1. Yes, you can. Check out Kibibihair on youtube. She has videos on how to wash your hair under a weave.,but try the acv rinse first

  41. I didn't think this simple solution would have worked for my extremely itchy scalp after I had loc extensions put it. I diluted and put it in a spray bottle and it was like a miracle.. it helped the itching by atleast 80% within a 15-20 min. I washed my hair today with another ACV solution and it now feels so cool and clean.. GREAT HELP.. THANK YOU

    1. I'm so glad this helped you!!! You are very welcome! :-)

  42. How long does it take for the hair to air dry?

    1. It depends on the room tempature, but usually about 4-8 hrs for me

  43. I transitioned with kinky twists and dreaded the itching. 2 years of feeling like little bugs were biting my scalp off!! I only got relief after I washed it a few times but then the twists looked raggedy so I could only go a month before I had to take them down and get them redone. I'm going to a latchhook twist out on perm rods and will take your advice on cleaning the hair before I put it in. This should help me keep the hair in longer and save me money since the itching won't force me into taking the braids out early. Thank you!!

    1. I remember that feeling and it is not fun.
      Yes, this should definitely help you. Hope it works out well for you and you're welcome!

  44. I put some of my synthetic Marley hair in a glass bowl containing hot tap water and 1 tablespoon of ACV, swished it around a bit and let it sit for about an hour, checking from time to time for the white film. No film of and kind showed up. As far as I could tell there was nothing different or special about this hair compared to others I read about or see in beauty supply stores. But could there be synthetic Marley hair out there that isn't chemically treated?

    1. So sorry for the late response, my phone wouldn't let me respond.
      Hmmm, for the most part, all synthetic hair is chemically treated. Although a white film didn't show, by doing the acv rinse, you decreased any chance of getting an allergic reaction.

  45. I've had Senegalese twists before, and I experienced the most excruciating itch ever. I tried EVERYTHING, and I even tried the acv cure, and I don't know if I did something wrong, or didn't leave it on long enough, or what, but it didn't work , sadly. I want them again because it's such a beautiful hairstyle, but even with soaking the hair, I'm terrified of trying it again. Any suggestions?? Thank you!

    1. Aww that stinks!
      With the addition of the ACV rinse, you can wash and condition the hair with your normal products. That may help get rid of anything that is causing you itching.

  46. Thank you so much, I've bought the hair today,and all the care products I'd need. I plan to soak the hair tonight,and begin bright and early tomorrow morning. Also, I have the store brand of acv, but I looked at the level of acidity in the brand you have pictured above,and the brand I bought,and they're the same. Should I though, be worried about the store brand not working as well as the brand name? I'm just really terrified to have a repeat of the first time, thanks again!

    1. No problem! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I personally have only used the Braggs ACV because it's one of the most natural ones I know, but I know many people who have had success with store brand acv or just regular ol' white vinegar. Hope that helps

  47. Thank you so much, really, this has helped so much! I'm hoping for the best myself (:

  48. Pls help. I washed out the weave wit acv n water then shampoo but I see the white chemical on my scalp. Will it make my hair fall out??? I have now sprayed scalp wit acv water mix. Will this help or do I take out the weave

    1. Are you sure the white film is the chemical? It could be dry scalp. I don't think your hair will fall out. Just make sure to rinse your scalp very well.
      For the most part, the ACV water mix sprayed on your scalp should help.

  49. Are you still able to curl the hair with rollers and hot water, with it removing the heat resisting film?

    1. That's a great question. I have still been able to curl my hair with hot/boiled water with no issues. I think the issue will come in place if one tries to straighten or curl hair with a flat or curling iron.

  50. I used the regular distilled vinegar and allowed it to soak for more than 24 hours. I installed the hair and my head is on fire today. I'm running to the store to get some Braggs Apple Cider Vingear "The Mother" to see if it makes a difference. In my opinion the regular vinegar doesn't work or at least it didn't work for me.

  51. Hello. I never see the white film after soaking. I do 30mins and never see it. An hour still don't see it. What to do?

    1. Hello. I think you should be okay even if you do not see a white film. 30 minutes of soaking is ample enough time to remove any chemicals from the hair.

  52. Will u still be able to seal ends of box braids (using kanekalon hair) w/ hot/boiling water after an ACV rinse?

  53. Would you need to do this with human Afro puff hair as well?

    1. It is advised to wash any added hair you plan on using. So it wouldn't hurt to do an ACV rinse on the human afro puff hair especially if it caused you to itch in the past.

  54. I just purchased some blonde "613" color body wave hair from Aliexpress " virgin" but it might be remy hair, can I use the acv to soak the hair before installing and then use a neutralizing shampoo to restore balance and get rid of any additional buildup ? Have you known anyone to use vinegar and then a neutralizing shampoo after ?

    1. I don't see an issue with doing the ACV rinse then shampooing with a neutralizing shampoo. I would just condition afterwards since neutralizing shampoo tends to strip the hair.

  55. I did a a sew -in weave n its been itching n burning up my scalp for a week,reading the comments,iv done a plain white vinegar rinse. Im worried about the hair going back to normal and should i have washed off oils from my scalp before the vinegar rinse? Im not sure i did the rinse as im supposed to

    1. Is your scalp still itching after the rinse? If so, I suggest trying to shampoo with an applicator bottle(a little shampoo in the applicator bottle then add water and shake) to get rid of all extra residue and if needed, condition afterwards. If that doesn't work then you may need to remove the weave.

  56. I have human Indian virgin remy bulk hair
    5 bundles will doing a acv soak work with human hair or will it mess it up

    1. Have you experienced itching with human hair after shampooing it? They typically do not put the coating on human hair. But I don't see why an ACV soak would damage it. I used to do ACV rinses on my real hair all the time with no adverse affects. Maybe try it on one bundle first and use a small amount of ACV.

  57. Does the smell of apple cider vinegar go away

    1. Yes it does especially if you rinse really well. If for some reason it doesn't, just shampoo the hair afterwards and you will be fine.

  58. Will the hair still be flame retardant if you remove the alkaline with ACV?

  59. Will it be okay for my braider to still burn my ends if I remove the alkaline...I don't want to catch I'm removing the chemicals that makes it heat resistant

  60. Hello, I was wondering if after you wash it using the ACV, you can still apply heat to the hair and whether that is safe. If the heat coating is removed by the ACV then customers basically have to choose between itchiness or being able to straighten or curl their hair right? I appreciate your input. Thanks!

  61. Hello. Thank you for tips. The info is helpful. I will be trying, for the first, to put in crochet braids and wanted to know how long does it take the hair to typically air dry?

  62. Hello. Thank you for tips. The info is helpful. I will be trying, for the first, to put in crochet braids and wanted to know how long does it take the hair to typically air dry?

  63. I recently had a sew in with what was supposed to be 100% human hair and it was the most I ever paid for tracks. Once it was sewed in my hair after about 2 days my scalp began to itch terribly as well as my face breaking out. I came across your blog and I tried to do the acv rinse with the hair still installed in my hair. It didn't help at all. Considering how much I spent on the hair as well as getting it installed, I did not want to take it out. I tried tea tree oil remedies for itchy scalp. That didn't work either. After about 2 weeks I decided the restless nights from scratching and welped face wasn't worth it. So I took it out. Today I decided to soak it and give it another try. Do you know any reason why it would have still been itching when I was rinsing it while it was installed? I don't want to put it back in and have the same results as well as waste money on getting it installed.


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