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Sunday, March 25

Twists Update

Happy Sunday!
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

I haven't been posting that much because there isn't really anything going on with my hair and I sometimes feel like I blogged about EVERYTHING on here.

So..just wanted to give y'all a brief update on my twists.

I re-did them last Saturday and have been loving the ease of having my hair twisted.  
The only draw back is that I can't wear my hair down unless curled because they look SOOOO THIN. Hence the below photo.

So..I curled them on Wednesday with some satin rollers and have been wearing them in a curly ponytail since then.

To care for them, I:
Spray my new-growth with my Aloe-Vera Mix daily and nightly
Spray the length of my hair with water and seal with Safflower Oil or coconut oil every few days
Oil my scalp with my Sulfur Mix twice a week


  1. Love these. I wish my hair was a little longer so I could do these too.
    I wanted to share that I've tried this new product my last 2 wash days and I'm absolutely hooked. It's the Carol's Daughter Olive Oil Infusion pre-poo. Have you heard of it? I know you're transitioning so I thought it might be worth looking into. I'm transitioning to texlaxed hair (unintentionally) and tangles are a NIGHTMARE for me... ugh. But I tried that and it really helped. I'd like your thoughts if you do decide to try it.

    1. Hi Maia!
      Thank you, your comments always put a smile on my face!
      I have heard about this products and saw that it can make your hair really soft. I'm going to look into this. Right now because my hair is put away in twists, I am not experiencing any tangles or issues but I do plan on wearing my hair out more. Thanks for the suggestion and if I do try it, I will do a review. Good luck on your transition!!


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