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Saturday, January 7

1st Wash Day of the Year- Roller-Setting It

Last night/this AM was wash day. I am working on slightly tweaking my regimen to fit my current life-style and I am also in EbonycPrincess' roller-setting challenge. So, I will display both changes in this post.
I basically need to finish my hair on Saturday's no later than 10:30AM, so time is of the essence.

Step 1.)
Detangling and Deep Conditioning

Sectioned my DRY hair
Spritzed with Aloe Vera Juice
Added Oil to each section
Added ORS Replenishing Deep Conditioner to Each Section
Placed small pony-tail holder on the section (big thanks to for this tip!!!)
Twisted the section
Placed Plastic Cap over my head, then bonnet
Deep Condition overnight

Step 2.)
The next morning at or around 8AM
Keep hair in the same sections not removing any ponytail holders
Rinse out Conditioner
Apply diluted shampoo in applicator bottle to my scalp
Rinse thoroughly and remove the twists to make sure all product is out of hair
I STILL do not remove the ponytail holders
Place Turban over hair to absorb excess water

Step 3.)
Time to Roller Set
Take out ponytail holder (I do this one section at a time)- I actually cut them out
Spritz each section with Aloe-vera juice
then Chi Keratin Mist
then apply Chi-Silk Infusion
Detangle with Wide-Tooth Comb
Then again with smaller comb
Split Section in Half
Then Roller set

It took me 30 minutes to Roller set my entire head and detangling was a BREEZE!!!

Step 4.)
Dryer time
I sat under the dryer for 45 minutes
30 facing frontward
15 sitting backward to dry the back of my head

My whole head could not fit under the dryer

This magazine and Pandora were my entertainment

Step 5.)
Remove the rollers
Noticed some spots were still damn so I had to blow-dry those areas on high/cool air

Step 6.)
Oil my scalp
Comb out curls
Rub a LITTLE oil through my hair
then Wrap my hair

My Hair is currently wrapped and under a beanie because I have things to do.
I will most likely bun for the week because I will be on a business trip for about 10 days.
I will try to show the results when I have a chance.


  1. The curls came out so cute!! Safe travels!!

  2. Have a safe trip. Thanks for posting the step by step tutorial. I have never even thought to change directions underneath my table top dryer. I will try this. Currently dc'ing for first rollerset since "way back when". Thanks for sharing. Your curls were beautiful. Look forward to the results.

  3. Thanks, LaQT!!
    I only do that because my back never use to dry..even when I roller-setted my neck length hair.
    Gotta check out your roller-set post!
    Unfort. I put my hair in a next time I will def take pics of my results!
    I love how the roller-set straightened my underprocessed hair though!!!

  4. Happy New Year!

    Your hair looks like it's gotten a little thicker and I'm jealous of that black color!!

    Haha, anyway, I'm giving regular blogging a stab again, I'm here:

  5. @prettydarkthing-

    Happy New Year!

    Thanks..I hope it has although the relaxed ends are getting cut off sooner or later. can thank the Henna and Indigo for the black hair!

    Yay for you blogging again! I just followed :-D
    Omgoodness, your hair has grown so much!!! You're def one of my natural hair inspirations!

  6. Hey girl I'm glad I was able to help. So do you think this is a method you could keep doing? What differences have you noticed compared to what you were doing before?

  7. @Guyanesesista- This will be the ONLY way I wash my hair going forward. I like it so much better than plain braids because it helps reduce tangles towards my roots. In the past I would wash my hair hanging loose or with 6 braids, but your way of doing so is much more effective.
    I had no tangles at all!
    Thanks again!

  8. Good for you. I had that problem with tangling at the roots before finding this method. My scalp used to be sore by the time I was done detangling. I think that when I'm fully natural I'll still use this method because of the thickness.

  9. I will b sure to try this method... you basically set urself up for detangling n rollersetting.


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