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Monday, December 5

2011 Hair Revelations

  • I always knew this, but it's far more evident now- The sides of my hair take at least 6-8 months to catch up with the middle. They basically grow VERY slow
  • My hair LOVES light protein- I use mild protein treatments, leave-ins and sometimes moisturizers weekly and my hair has been thriving since
  • People in REAL life think my hair is long :-)
  • My Hair doesn't discriminate- The majority of my hair products are under $10.00. I do well with or without those expensive hair products
  • I haven't been doing much hair styles with my real hair this year and I need to get back into it
  • I purchased way to many hair tools that I DON'T use- But I sure will use them next year
  • No matter what I do, I STILL have some breakage daily- Meaning about 5 short or long strands
  • Even with that minor breakage my hair still retains length so I need to stop "trippin" about it (remember we have anywhere from 100,000-150,000 strands of hair on our head. If you lose 5 hairs a day to breakage, that's 1,825 hairs. That's still less than 5% of your hair)
  • I can't do Hair Salons, my last relaxer session confirmed it. I love doing my hair and I know how to do just about everything except a good flat-iron and relaxer. I can perfect both of those with practice
  • Because I will be self-relaxing, my hair will do better with 12 week stretches NOT 16 weeks. This way I will get ALL of my new-growth and not have too much hair to work with

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  1. I thought that after the last two times when you underprocessed your hair while relaxing that you would have returned to a salon to get it fixed?

  2. You have GREAT memory!

    I ended up going to the Salon on 11.19 to get a touch-up. The lady did an okay job, but still didn't fix my underprocessed areas. Plus she was really rough with my hair. I lost almost a handful of hair because of her wild detangling.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I was a long term stretcher. I relaxed early at about 8-10 weeks twice due to special occasions and found that my hair preferred it. I enjoy the challenge of stretching but with it comes underprocessed hair most of the time. I am now 26weeks post and in braids. I dread self-relaxing. I am watching everyone who walks by to see where I can find a great hair dresser.

  4. @ LaQT/TY- I agree about the underprocessed hair!
    Wow 26 weeks post! That's great! If you're uncomfortable self-relaxing, you should def go to a stylist.
    Hopefully you will find a great one soon. If you're a member on LHCF try posting on the Salon Review forum for suggestions.

  5. I didn't plan it this way, but I am still wearing braids so there's no need to relax. I want kinky twists next. It's definitely keeping me from cutting my hair!!! I'll check out LHCF also. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Yay for you NOT cutting your hair!!!!
    Can't wait to see your results!
    You're making me want some braids or twists now.
    oh and no problem! :-)


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