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Friday, November 11

3 Tips to Avoid the "Thin Relaxed Hair" Look

I love me some Tyra, but y'all know her hair looks slightly thin. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone

1.) Protect those ends!- I say this time after time, but you MUST protect your previously relaxed ends during the relaxer process. I use a Neutralizer Shampoo then seal it in with Vaseline or Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Not only are you protecting your ends from overlapping during the relaxer application, but you are protecting them from run-off when you actually wash the relaxer out.

2.) Decrease the amount of Relaxers you get yearly- This basically means to "stretch" your relaxers to at least 10 weeks.
Why should you stretch your relaxer when you follow step 1? Well, no matter how much you protect your hair, you previously relaxed hair will still be touched by the relaxer. So stretching your relaxer will minimize the effects.

3.) Dust those ends (Regularly) in Small Sections- I know some people dust their ends when they "feel" like they need to. I dust based on a schedule now, which is every 8 weeks. Your ends are guaranteed to go through wear and tear. So dusting them often, will help you avoid a big trim in the future. When I say dust, I mean a quarter inch. When I say sections, I mean you part your hair in medium sized sections then lightly dust the same amount of hair through-out your head. Dusting should be minimal enough NOT to notice a difference in length

* I know many of my followers have read these tips time after time, but some people reading my blog haven't. I need to cater to EVERYONE!  

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  1. Some people have naturally fine hair. I have a ton of fine strands and my hair looks thin. I've worn my hair natural and it is fine and natural as well. It will grow long but I have to baby it. Which means treating it the way you have explained in your post. But I really think there is a misconception, even amongst blacks that all of our hair is supposed to be thick. We are not all the same. We all have a different "blend" as we all have white and/or native blood as well as various African tribes who are also very diverse genetically. So, of course we will not all have thick coarse hair.I love my fine hair!

    1. I'm glad you love your fine hair. I think all types of healthy hair is beautiful. This post was meant to help women get their healthy regardless of the density and thickness of the strand.

  2. Do you apply the neutralizing shampoo to ends before you relax?

    1. Yes, before you relax. You would of course use neutralizing shampoo when washing off the relaxer as well.



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