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Friday, October 14

Regimen Breakdown: Shampoo Time

After I rinse out my Pre-poo, it's time for me to shampoo.

So I place about 1 oz of  shampoo

In the below applicator bottle

Then fill the rest of the bottle with Water

Then I apply the diluted shampoo throughout my scalp and let the water rinse the shampoo down my tresses

After I feel like my hair is completely clean...I apply some of the below conditioner all through-out my hair, let sit for 3 minutes..

Rinse Out....Then apply a turban to my hair to soak up the excess water

Stay Tuned for my next steps...


  1. I like that bottle comb thingy. Where did you get it?

  2. I got it from Walmart for about $4.00. It's called Roots Only and was originally made to touch-up color. It can also be purchased on their site if you can't find it at Walmart.

  3. Thanks I'll see if I can get it at the Walmart nearest to me and thanks for stopping by my blog.


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