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Friday, October 14

Regimen Breakdown- My Pre-poo

The first Step in my wash process is my pre-poo treatment.
I do this certain pre-poo(pre-shampoo) once a week unless I DON'T want to lose the jet black hair I receive from the Henna & Indigo treatment I do quarterly(every 3 months).
Now if you look at the components in this mix, they all have "thickening" properties. For instance, the volumizing conditioner is said to add volume to your hair and castor oil is said to make hair thicker. I haven't noticed an extreme change in my hair, but after washing hair always feels soft and strong.
A good Pre-poo treatment can be just plain ol' oil such as Extra Virgin Olive, Coconut or Grapeseed oil.
I choose to do the below instead.
So what I do is:

Put 2 Cups of VO5 Volumizing Conditioner in a bowl

Mix in 2 tablespoons of Karishma Henna

 Then add about 1 tablespoon of Castor Oil

Mix then apply to my hair in Sections

Cover with a plastic Cap

Keep on hair for about 3 hours
Then Move on to my next step (stay tuned for more info)

*If this is a week after my relaxer, I will add an egg for extra protein...
*I also sometimes add other oils or humectants, but the above are my main components

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