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Monday, September 5

Weekend Wrap-Up- The Caruso Roller Set Fail Edition

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
So....on Friday I had a half day so I decided to wash and deep condition my hair. I had no idea what I was going to do to it, but I knew I wanted to blow-dry my hair to stretch the under-processed areas and speed up the drying process.
BUT as I was blow-drying, the comb attachment broke on me! I was only done with half of my I had to air-dry the rest. As I was blow-drying, I placed each complete section in a bantu-knot which resulted in nice waves/curls...but since I couldn't finish the job...I decided to airydry and use my caruso rollers instead.

The roller-set didn't come out that nice because my hair couldn't hold a curl for the life of it!

So, I decided to do a 2 braid braid-out on dry hair next...which was also a fail because of the straight ends.  LOL hair ended up in a bun by Sunday night! 


  1. Girl the last few weeks have been EXACTLY like this for me! So I've just been bunning like you! lol.

  2. Lol..sometimes it's just easier to bun! :-D

  3. @ Back2Front- Thanks! Not as much as I would like...slowly but surely though!


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