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Friday, September 30

Sick of Protective Styling

So I am 5 weeks post relaxer and I'm at the point where I am sick of braids, twists, buns and so-forth. BUT I know for maximum retention, I need to keep my ends protected and I really only need to do this for another 3 months.
I was thinking about getting some half wigs..but to be honest with you, wigs and weaves just aren't my thing. I must admit I wore weaves in the past..usually curly in the back and cornrowed in the front..But I just don't like them on ME anymore.
I took out my twists last night and was going to just wear a bun today...but my hair felt so greasy that I had to co-wash then do an Apple Cidar Vinegar Rinse.
I ended up air-drying in 6 I wore the braid-out for today and it feels good having my hair down!

 I was going to do another set of Cornrows, but I think my edges need a break so I may just wait another week to do that. But then again...I may just change my mind! I'm sure I will get out of this rut soon.


  1. I feel you girl...I'm going to do half low mani/half protective styling every week so I don't feel too restricted. We'll see how it works. I understand exactly how you feel, I get like that all the time!

  2. That's a good idea! I may have to start doing that too. I love your ponys, those are great protective gave me some inspiration!


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