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Thursday, September 29

How to Pick the Right Stylist/Salon- RE-POST

So, I decided for my next touch-up, I am getting it done at a salon. Why you ask? Well for the last year, my hair has been under-processed each time I relaxed. Once by a stylist and the other 2 times, by me. My last touch-up, I severely under processed the back area of my hair... To the point where it looks like this -----ZZZZ-----. Straight at the roots, under processed in the middle and straight ends. This calls for a a stylist. I already received some good recommendations on LHCF...which I will check out. But I really need to follow my own advice. I still have 3 months until my next I have some time.

See below for some tips I offered last year.

 For those out there looking for a Salon or are a few tips that will help you in your search.

1.) Research, research, research- Create a list of salons in your area (you can do so by googling or just driving around) and try to find reviews online..or on some forums.

2.) Ask around- If you see someone in your area with nice hair..don't be shy..ask her where she gets it done and ask some questions about the salon.

3.) Salon Visit- When you narrowed down your search, visit the hair salon for a consultation. Talk about your hair needs, prices and listen to their recommendations. If the prices don't fit your budget, then keep looking. Also, when you get home, research those recommendations like make sure it isn't a load of crap. Also, when your there, look around..see how they're doing others hair, the products they use(look around for good products such as Paul Mitchell, Redkin, Mizani, Alter Ego, know)

4.) Try them Out- Go in for a wash and set.If you are not satisfied with a simple wash and set, then you should never visit that salon again. I'm sorry..I don't give second chances when it comes to my hair.
When your there, you may even see someone getting a touch-up or those processes like a hawk!

A few more tips about Salon Visits
*No time or money for a deep conditioner treatment? Slather your hair in oil or a deep conditioner you have at home the night before going to the salon.

*When going for a relaxer, make sure you coat your previously relaxed ends- Especially if they DON'T

*SPEAK UP! If something is not right or you do not like what they're doing...then say it. You are the one who has to walk around with your hair, not them!

*If you only like the products you use...then bring them!


  1. Ms D, honestly i think God is speaking through you! (lol) i have the ----zzzz--- going on as well 3inches from the root relaxed then another 4 inches or so texlaxed and then relaxed ends which are some what thin so now thinking do i texlax or continue to relax or get a corrective relaxer (which am scared of dont want any breakage:( )

  2. LOL!
    I answered your question in a separate post.
    If you can handle the texlaxed portion, I would keep it the way it is and continue to texlax for thicker hair. But eventually you will have to cut off your relaxed ends because they will look thinner then the rest of your hair. You also have to keep in mind that 3 inches from the root is relaxed straight. This is a tough one. I would personally do a corrective so the hair is uniform...but if the texlaxed portion is manageable..I would keep it as is and relax as normal (then the relaxer run-off will straighted the texlaxed portion over time)

  3. lol, this healthy hair journey isnt easy! hmm... think i'll just leave it so the relaxer run-off corrects over time am scared of extra chemical damage :S


  4. Thanks for this post. I completely agree with all of your tips. I now follow all of these rules since I can't seem to find a permanent stylist because I move or they move.

  5. @Ra-an- You're welcome.Let me know what you end up doing!..and you're right, it isn't easy...but the results will be a great reward!

    @LaQT/TY- You're welcome!!
    It's hard finding a great stylist nowadays. But I know some are out there!


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