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Wednesday, March 14

Patch Testing

I recently added Tea Tree Oil to my Aloe Vera Mix and also my Sulfur Oil mix(that I occasionally use). I never used Tea Tree oil and because my hair is in twists, if I were to experience extra shedding, I would have no idea until I take them out. So, I decided to do a patch test of both mixes to make sure I wouldn't experience any adverse reactions. 

Sometimes we're so excited to try a new product,  we forget about the risks that can involved.
 Especially for products that touch our scalp like Shampoo's,Conditioners, growth aids and oils. Any irritation to the scalp can cause unnecessary shedding or long term scalp issues which can stunt our growth. 

So...for all trying out new products..Don't forget to do a Patch Test First!

How to do a Patch Test:

1.) Apply a small dime-sized drop on your skin- Most use their wrist/arm
2.) Allow the product to dry preferably overnight
3.) The next day, check the area you applied the product for signs of irritation or redness
4.) If everything seems fine...go ahead and give the product a try
5.) Make sure to wash that product off the area you tested it on!

If you still experience bad side effects such as breakage or shedding after using the product...

1.) Clean/Clarify Your scalp and hair- with the normal product you always use- You want to remove any trace of the product
2.) Follow up with a Deep Conditioning Treatment

*This has been posted before but edited to add my bit on Tea-tree oil


  1. Great info;thanks for sharing.

  2. This is a really great post, I never patch test! Thx for sharing!

    1. I sometimes forget to patch test too, but now I'm so paranoid of any setbacks!
      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I needed this info. On my last post I was talking about how horribly my hair has been breaking and shedding because I've been testing products. Wish I read this first.

    1. Hey Aly,

      awww sorry to hear.. I'm sure your hair will bounce right back!!

  4. Goodness, I never ever patch test any products. Scary scince I am always trying new ones....! Definitely food for thought.

    Great post and thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks for reading and commenting!
      I don't patch test all products, but mostly products where I read reviews about shedding and so forth.


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